What is “Gospel Convergence”? Part 4

The purpose of Gospel Convergence is to provide:

“Meditations on the Life of Jesus in the Mission of His Church for the Glory of God”

converging arrows vimeoThis encapsulates our Theological Vision which can be broken down into three complementary points:

  • Christ-Centred
  • Mission Orientated
  • Doxologically Driven

Mission Orientated

We believe that to be aligned with God in being Christ-Centred necessarily results in being Mission Orientated. That is, we do not want our love for Jesus to terminate on itself but rather to overflow in service to him and others.

Mission begins and belongs to God; the mission is his, he started it and he has graciously invited us to join with him in it through faith in Jesus.

The God of Mission

The Scriptures tell us the story of Yahweh (the Lord) who out of the overflow of his love for himself and his own glory created this world and all that is within it and furthermore made himself personally known to those whom he created in his own image.

The Scriptures open with the words, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1 ESV) but the story begins, as the Apostle Paul tells us, “before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4 ESV). Prior to creation and time itself God existed eternally and enjoyed perfect community within himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit in all his Trinitarian glory without need or want, being eternally satisfied in his own sufficiency (Acts 17:24-25).

Creation exists to showcase the incomparableness of God, to make him known for who he is in all his goodness. This is why in Genesis 1 we hear God declaring his creation to be “good” six times (vv. 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25). The goodness we see in creation is but a shadow of which God is the substance. Creation does not exist for its own sake, nor even simply for ours, but ultimately for God’s that we might know him more deeply and enjoy him more fully.

After the creation of humanity God took a step back, so to speak, and he “saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31 ESV). With humanity creation came just that little bit closer to its incomparable Creator. Humanity, because it has been created in God’s Image (Genesis 1:26-27), uniquely reflects God in a way the rest of creation does not. Thus with the Advent of Humanity creation became “very good”. As God’s Image bearers we have a special responsibility over and towards the rest of God’s creation. We are to have dominion over creation as God’s stewards, taking care of God’s creation by cultivating it and enjoying it (Genesis 1:28-30). This was God’s original intention for humanity in his creation: to fill the earth with worshippers of God who would fill the earth with worshippers of God and so on ad infinitum. God’s mission remains the same.

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